Child Support
I need your help with this.NOT in the divorce type of way j/k.You see these children with me in the photo?They need YOU, yes YOU. They need your help. Every dollar you give through me to them will provide a pot of hot food. Delicacies like rice and stew, beans, corn meal, yams, plantains etc.Click this link here to support.ORType this into your browser: you don't want to click on that link and read all that here is a snippet of what is included in the link as to why I am asking for your help. Please, help Dr. Lum support the Amity Social Assistance Family.Who are they?Amity Social Assistance Family is the fancy name for a family of vulnerable and disabled children in the adoptive home (aka orphanage) of Mrs. Loh Margaret whom I have known personally for 3 yrs now. This home is located in my hometown of Douala, in the country Cameroon and launched as an NGO on April 13th 2004.
Why help? Because you can make a difference in the life of an impoverished handicap child who has been otherwise abandoned by family. The goal of the home is to provide a living situation and create sustainable development opportunities for these children/youth. They are taught marketable skills during their upbringing here that allow them to develop an attitude of self-reliance.
How can you help?In the process of raising these children; there are several basic necessities that are often lacking. I witnessed this myself during my visit in October 2016. Their meals are prepared community style and in quantities enough to feed each month just for the day. There are seldom any excesses or snacks. Certainly, nothing gets thrown away in the trash. Every dollar you donate toward this project helps to fund the market list (grocery list), pay for raw food and a clean water source.Yes, every $ you give towards this project will be donated to the orphanage and used solely to buy food that will be prepared and shared among the children.When can you help?Truly; anytime. But, for the purpose of meeting an urgent need such as food earlier is always better. Preferably on or before June 30th 2017.How to know what happens to your donation?For a photo or evidence of how your money will be spent, you can email for updates. Mr Loh is able to share photos of the children with you through the previous email address. I know this because I communicate with him often. Others listed are or or you can call +237 677 94 18 21 or +237 6 776 66 787. Data charges apply when calling from the USA.
Nina N. Lum, what is your role with this orphanage?My mother first introduced me to this organization where she has served free of charge as the general pediatrician and a mother to these children for many years. I began to support financially with "food money" as soon as I was able to. But as the proverb goes "It takes a village to raise a child", hence I would need more help from my virtual village here to help support this unusual family in my hometown.James 1:27Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world