Resources That Helped Me Pay Off Medical School Loans.
Last fall, I shared what I did to pay off my student loans in a blog post here. A few months after eliminating student debt, I successfully wiped out my luxury car loan. That made me... DEBT FREE!*does backflip*Before moving forward I suggest you read about how I got rid of my medical school loans because this post is a sequel to that. I will embed it again here.Now that you're up to a speed with that, let's move on.If you didn't read it here is the gist of things.That blog post details the lifestyle changes I made to become student debt free. I have always applied those principles with credit card debt and auto loan debt.You may also want to read how cutting (or literally freezing/suspending) your credit cards for a season will make a difference here.One thing I must confess is that I did not do this on my own. I learned from others who in one way or the other have written inspirational material to this effect. I believe God granted me the self-control to persevere through the debt free journey, but these resources were provided so I could accelerate my success with my #debtfree2017 plan. I will share these secret pearls with you today.Hopefully, as you plan for 2018, becoming debt free could be one of the things on your list. Think about what you can possibly build without debt to hold you back.Here are a few quick, easy reads to get you started on that journey.
Links.www.journeyto30book.com is not a sponsored post!With Dollar Sign Love,nina